Legal translations

We provide legal translation services, into languages: Hebrew, English, Latin, Afrikaan.

What is a legal translation?

Despite the rapid development of various fields of technology, there are still many professions in which human expertise cannot be replaced. Among these professions stands the field of translation that still requires expert language skills – not only in knowing both languages perfectly, but also a familiarity with slang and concepts in specific fields. 

Legal translation requires familiarity with the laws of the country of the translated document, in order to create accurate reflection of the meaning of orders, laws, judgments and legal documents.

In what circumstances are legal translations required?

Legal translations are now required more and more often,  due to the fact that the world is getting much smaller and more and more people are involved in matters in different parts of the world. 

Legal translations may be necessary in processes such as obtaining citizenship in a foreign country, conducting legal proceedings at international level, producing documents for new olim, establishing international companies or creating a branch of an existing company to other countries, and establishing active partnerships with foreign countries. 

An accurate translation of the legal document will ensure its acceptance world-wide.

Why is it worthwhile to do legal translations within a law firm?

Naturally, translation is a job that people tend to hand over to professionals or translation companies who claim to specialize in legal translations. However, translating a legal document in an appropriate framework as well as in the same office where the whole process is conducted reduces the chances of mistakes and increases the credibility of the document. The Rubin Law firm in Jerusalem provides, among other things, translation services of  documents to its clients.

By performing the comprehensive work of compiling and translating the documents in the same place – any procedure can be performed in a much more professional and meticulous manner, and a proper notarization supplied.

We will be happy to assist you all the way

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